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Scaistar 2 Downloads

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» Scaistar 2 Downloads » Stats

The average file rating is 2.974 out of 5 stars
There are 229 files in the database
There has been a total of 1,948,625 downloads
The newest file is Firmware ARGUS MINIPLUS 2in1 IP 1.6.70
The highest rated file is Golden-teletext 1.43 per Alt-DVB with a rating of 5 out of 5 stars
The lowest rated file is with a rating of 1 out of 5 stars
The most downloaded file is Progfinder 2 with 74,336 downloads
The least downloaded file is Lista canali settings E1 (27apr2014) with 723 downloads
The average number of downloads each file has is 8,509.280

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