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Configurazione CCCam del file cardclient.conf su progDVB 6

MessaggioInviato: gio feb 25, 2010 10:42 am
da peppect84
Salve gente, come da titolo vorrei un aiuto nella configurazione del file cardclient.conf

Ho la C-line ma non sò precisamente dove inserirla. Il file cardclient.conf standard è così composto:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

# Comment lines can start with # or ;
# every client line starts with the client name, followed by some arguments:
# 'config'   (optional) is number between 1-999 to combine with filtering
# 'hostname' is the name of the server
# 'port'     is the port on the server
# 'emm'      is a flag to allow EMM transfers to the server
#            (0=disabled 1=enabled)
# 'caid'     (optional) caid on which this client should work
# 'mask'     (optional) mask for caid e.g. caid=1700 mask=FF00 would allow
#            anything between 1700 & 17FF.
#            Default is no filter 0000 & 0000. If only caid is given mask is FFFF.
#            You may give multiple caid/mask values comma separated
#            (e.g. 1702,1722,0d0c/ff00).
# 'username' is the login username
# 'password' is the login password
# newcamd client
# 'cfgkey' is the config key (28bytes)
# newcamd client
# 'providerid(s)' add provider id's for filtering 0000006A,0000006D
# newcamd2 client whith Chameleon support
# 'providerid(s)' add provider id's for filtering 0000006A,0000006D
# cccamn client
# 'softcam' (0=disabled 1=enabled) default 1=enabled
# 'maxhops' (0-999) default 5 hops
# radegast client
# No EMM support
# gbox client
# UDP localhost only, default ports, No EMM support
# gboxn client
# servername, serverport, emm, [caid/mask], serverpassword, pcname, pcport, pcpassword, free text
# camd35 client
# UDP protocol
#newcamd2:99: new newcamd2 engine and attach to config 99
#gboxn: 1
#cccamn: soft
#cccamn: soft and max 3 hops

Sapete indicarmi dove inserire la C-line con rispettiva user e passw?

MessaggioInviato: mer giu 30, 2010 1:10 pm
da mimmino
devi editare il file .ini devi inserire la tua c-line e poi il plugin funziona

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