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novita: DVBDream 1.7 trial

MessaggioInviato: ven nov 18, 2011 7:33 am
da scaistar
queste le novità

* Unicable support added (works only on TBS cards for now)
* CI/CAM support for AverMedia (not tested, please confirm)
* Support for NetUP devices (Diseqc & CI, not tested)
* BDA device error code:14 bug fixed which happens on some devices
* Initial installation dialog supports more languages now (Turkish,Greek,Chinese,Arabic,Ukranian,Farsi...)
* A few bugs in scheduler fixed
* Arabic epg bug fix
* Snapshot crash bug fixed
* LNB Power Off/On support added (in File menu, works only on TBS and Compro devices for now)
* EPG support option added for Israel cable provider HOT.
* * If you encounter any problem with EPG text charset, you should pick the correct EPG code page instead of "auto"
* * BDA Device options now provides different methods for diseqc (Main Menu->Options->Device Options)
* * For unicable, you should select the LNB type as unicable while adding satellites in diseqc dialog
* * Unicable and LNB Power Off/On is not supported on all devices. It should work fine on TBS cards with new drivers (these new drivers should be released by TBS in next few days)
* * If you are still having problem with diseqc on AverMedia devices, please report. You just need to download latest aver media drivers.
* * Kaspersky Antivirus is not recommended since it could be the culprit responsible for des.dll errors due to some false virus alarms / heuristic scan.

e qui il DOWNLOAD :wink:

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 09, 2011 5:00 pm
da nighteagle
Ma è versione trial... :o

MessaggioInviato: lun dic 12, 2011 12:19 pm
da scaistar
si. è un anno e mezzo che DVBDream è diventato a pagamento

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